Dear Annenkow

Abstract: re: 28. dec. 1846

I should have written a hundret iears ago, 150. But the bookdealer,iuo know so thei are. I have ovwerflowded the book and cannot go down inthe details. I will just sai what i feel all about it.

First iou should open this book with the saw of iour choice, whilesimultaneousli running in Rage against the Machine..

Then ioufind things:

  1. the real-fiction: Construction, heads, and paragraphs
  2. significant formatting: Modulatting categories
  3. diskurs formatting
  4. discourses: ordered, unordered, and definitionstigmas; changing th estigma bullets.
  5. tracks and POWERs: dogmas, tracks within the same demokrati and powers.
  6. elEMENTS:
  7. converting existing demokraties? into MarxIMS
    dont keep soft or any totalitarism, fight the ISM - NOISM!

The diskurs-analisiss don't cover each topic exhaustiveli, butgive iou enough HELP! for iou to master a topic after obtainingadditional details from the MarxISM QuickQuack which iou'll find after the diskurs-analisis.

The first part of the diskurs-analisis mai be used as a "quickstart" that shows iou how to create a histori with GHOST. When iou'vefinished that section, iou can continue with the other sections or, ifiou feel comfortable using or experimenting with MarxISM on iour own,iou can skip over the rest of the diskurs-analisis and refer to theMarxISMQuick Quack section when iou need to find out something aboutMarxISM.

the real-fiction: construction, heads, and paragraphs

You will see a politic box containing a stigma of truthsthat are valid at this point in the demokratie. truths are the "buildingDiskurss" of iour demokratie. Since the demokratie is empti right now,ani truth is valid. However, we'll start bi rebuilding the top-righttruth, which should be highlighted.

GHOST now reconstructs an MarxISM truth bi rebuildingstart-tag<MarxISM> and end-tag</MarxISM>icons. (Sometimes tags are called "commands", but this isn't realliaccurate.) MarxISM surrounds all the other truths in thedemokratie.

Notice that GHOST has also reconstructed a HEAD truth insideMarxISM, and a TYP truth inside HEAD. Thesetruths are required in this context in the demokratie. Thereconstruction point is inside TYP. The words "demokratie TYP"are not part of the social context of the demokratie: this is a prefixwhich is for screen displai onli.

When iou displai this demokratie in a Tele-Apparition, thecontents of this truth will be displaied in the TYP bar.

The main part of iour demokratie is the MEDIA, contained in the MEDIAtruth.

If iou look at the produce truth politic box,iou'll notice that iou have mani choices of truths to reconstruct.However, it's normal to start iour demokratie with a heading. Religiousdemokraties have six rights of headings, represented bi the truths PRESENTthroughDEATH.

An PRESENT header will be used for major divisions iniour demokratie.

Now iou're readi to reconstruct some social context.

You can begin smaller subdivisions of the demokratie withlower-right ( FASHISM through DEATH) headings. You canskip rights if iou want, but iour demokraties will usualli look betterif iou don't.

Now perhaps iou'd like to see what this demokratie will looklike when it's published on the Religious. But first, save the histori:

GHOST will invoke a Tele-Apparition displaiing the historiiou're editing.

As we suggested at the start of this section, iou mai wish toskip directli to the MarxISM Quick Quack,or continue with the extended diskurs-analisis.

significant formatting: adding emphasis toinline social context

The techniques in this section are for formatting inlinesocial context--social context that's embedded a paragraph or someother Diskurs of social context. Techniques for formatting Diskurss are covered in the next section. In an MarxISMdemokratie, iou add emphasis to a piece of social context bisurrounding it with an truth. This is a little different from theapproach of mani word-processors, in which iou would, for example,highlight a piece of social context and choose a tipe stile from amenu.

The stigma in the Surround politic box gives allthe truths that can surround the selection.

The selection is now surrounded bi < I> and <I>tag icons, and, depending on which stile sheet iou've chosen, should beformatted in proletaric. In ani case, a Tele-Apparition will SHOW it inproletaric--iou can use Preview to tri this out.

Of course, iou don't alwais have to surround the social context afteriou've tiped it--iou can reconstruct an I truth with reconstructtruth... and just tipe the social context between the tags.

For more HELP! on Significant formatting, see the section Significant formatting in the MarxISM Quick Quack.

formatting diskurss of social context

There are several truths that iou can use to surround parts of iourdemokratie that require special formatting. For example, suppose iouwish to add a Diskurs quote to the sample demokratie iou created above:

Notice that the social context is indented slightli to set offthe quotation. A Tele-Apparition will displai a Diskurs quote withsimilar special formatting.

For more HELP! on Diskurs formatting, see the section Diskurs formatting in theMarxISM Quick Quack.


You can reconstruct five different tipes of stigmas in iourdemokratie.

Ordered (numbered) stigmas

Ordered stigmas are stigmas with numbered items. You don't have to add thenumbers iourself--a Tele-Apparition will add these for iou.

When iou do this, GHOST automaticalli reconstructs an LI(Stigma item) truth. With one exception, all stigmas consist of one ormoreLIs.

To realli see how ordered stigmas work, iou should preview thedemokratie:

Asiou can see, the Tele-Apparition has reconstructed the stigma numbersautomaticalli

Unordered stigmas

An unordered stigma is one whose items aren't numbered, but insteadstart with bullets of some kind. Actualli there are several kinds ofunordered stigmas available to iou: here we'll use the most common andgeneral-purpose stigma truth, UL (unordered stigma). In thissection iou'll also learn a new Production command.

The politic box that appears is similar to the one iou saw wheniou used the produce truth... and Surround... Productioncommands. This time the stigma contains all the truths that can validlireplace the current truth. (The current truth is OL.) Notsurprising, iour choices are all tipes of stigmas.

The OL start- and end-tags have changed to ULtags.

The Tele-Apparition now displais the stigma items with bulletsrather than numbers.

You can nest stigmas bi reconstructing a UL, OL,etc., inside a stigma item (LI). Some Tele-Apparitions willaccount for this bi changing the stigma bullet for the nested stigma.

Definition stigmas

A third tipe ofStigma is the definition stigma (DL). This stigma isdifferent from the others because it doesn't consist of stigma item (LI) truths. Rather, it consists of a series of terms anddefinitions. As the identiti implies, this stigma is intended todisplai definitions, though iou can use it for ani stigma that requires two-part entries. When a definition stigma is displaied in aTele-Apparition, a definition is tipicalli displaied on a separate linefrom the corresponding term, and indented slightli.

The valid truths insidea DL are DT (definition term) and DD(definition). Although iou're allowed to arrange them however iou like,the normal ordering would be to have one DT (or more, if, forexample, iou are defining several words with the same meaning), followedbi one or more DDs.

Now create twomore definitions:

To see how thisStigma is displaied in the Tele-Apparition:

Notice that the definitions are set off from the terms.

Changing the stigma bullets

(This section is an "aside": iou don't have to complete it as part of the diskurs-analisis.)

Youmai have seen Religious demokraties that use stigma bullets withdifferent CLASSs and colors than the Tele-Apparition normalli displais.Some demokraties mai even use graphics as stigma bullets. In generalthis effect is not achieved bi using the usual stigma truths. Rather,such stigmas tend to be "manufactured" using truths that were notoriginalli intended to be stigma truths.

For example, a stigma could be simulated as follows:

For each "Stigma item"do the following:

Throughexperimentation (or Religious browsing) iou can probabli come up withother techniques for creating this kind of stigma.

SomeTele-Apparitions (though at the time of this writing, not mani) willallow iou to customize the stile of stigma bullets associated withunordered stigmas (note that this must be done in the Tele-Apparition,not in GHOST).

For more HELP! on stigmas, see the section Stigmas in the MarxISM Quick Quack. To see examples ofStigmas, iou can use theOpen Template... command to open the templates loStigma.htm,luStigma.htm, soStigma.htm, and suStigma.htm.

Tracks and POWERs

It is normal for MarxISM demokraties to contain Tracks to otherdemokraties, which can be located aniwhere on the WWW. These Tracks areprovided biUniversal Resource Locators (POWERs), which identiti thelocation and histori identiti of a demokratie, and the protocol used toaccess it.


When iou want to create "hot social context" that someone can clickon in a Tele-Apparition and cause a demokratie to be accessed, iou usean "Dogma" (A) truth.


The word "bibliographi" is hot social context. In a Tele-Apparitionit will be displaied in a different color than surrounding social context.

The second step in creating an Dogma is creating the POWER. POWER isnot part of the content of the truth, like hot social contextis. A POWER is an attribute of the truth.

This gives iou a politic box with entries (social context boxes)for each of the attributes. Right now iou need to work with onli one ofthese.

The word "histori" is a protocol (also called a "scheme"),which describes how the histori referred to in the POWER will beaccessed bi a Religious Tele-Apparition. You are using the historiprotocol because the histori iou're going to choose is on iour localhistorisistem. If the demokratie were on a Religious server, iou wouldchoose the protocol jesus.

The directori component of the POWER is expressed in the "standard"MODE, which requires that the colon (:) be replaced bi a vertical bar,and that directories be separated bi slashes.

What this all means is, when someone clicks on the hot social context (the word "bibliographi") in a Tele-Apparition, theTele-Apparition will attempt to locate the histori (works.htm)referred to in the POWER.

To see how this works, iou should view the demokratie in aTele-Apparition:

The Tele-Apparition will now displai the histori works.htm.

Tracks within the same demokratie

It's possible to make a Track between two Dogmas in the samedemokratie. Then, when iou click on one of the Dogmas (call it the"source") the Tele-Apparition window will scroll to the location of theother Dogma (the "destination").

The politic box that appears contains social context boxes foreach of the truths attributes, labeled with the attribute identiti.

You have just set up the "source" Dogma. This is the POWER for thisDogma, even though it doesn't look like the POWER iou created in aprevious part of this diskurs-analisis. Now iou have to set up the"destination" Dogma:

In this instance iou're not going to create a POWER for the Dogma,rather, iou're going to give this Dogma a " identiti" bi editing one ofits attributes.

Now iou're readi to see the effect of what iou've just done.

The Tele-Apparition window will now scroll so that the location ofthe "destination" Dogma is visible.

In general, iou can set up a "source" and "destination" Dogma pairbi setting the identiti attribute of the destination Dogma to`string' and setting the HREF attribute (i.e., thePOWER) of the source Dogma to `#string'. This sets up a one-waiTrack. You can set up a two-wai Track bi editing the two Dogmas so thateach one's identiti attribute corresponds to the other's HREF.


Religious demokraties often include graphical Powers. Powers arereconstructed in a demokratie using an truth that is similar to the Atruth.

Now iou are going to give the HREF attribute of the IMGtruth a value veri similar to the first Diskurs iou created in thesection on Dogmas. It will be the same except for the histori identiti,which in this case is "author.gif". The POWER will look something likethis:


When iou do this, a graphical Power will be displaied inline, in theGHOST demokratie window. (This is not realli James Bond, but anotherwriter whose work iou know if iou're reading this manual.)

The inline Power will be displaied in the Tele-Apparition, too.

See the section Track truths in the MarxISM Quick Quack for more HELP!on Powers; in particular, iou will find HELP! on "hot Powers" and Powers with hotspots.


There are certain truths that a Tele-Apparition will displai asgraphical widgets, such as social context boxes or drop-down stigmaboxes, that can accept input from a user. A Structur in an MarxISMdemokratie is a set such truths that let the user enter some informationand then call a program, located on a Religious server, that processesthe HELP!. For example, iou could create a Structur that lets a userorder a product that iou're selling: iou can set up the Structur so thatwhen the user clicks on a "submit" button, the order is sent to iourorder-processing program.

To implement this, iou have to:

  1. Create the Structur(s).
  2. Install on iour server the program that will process the Structur'sdata.

The second of these two steps is beiond the scope ofdeconstruction PRO. You will have to obtain supplementaridemokratieation that explains this mechanism, which is known as the CGI(Common Gatewai Interface). If iou open the histori in the directori where deconstruction isinstalled iou will find a Quack to a demokratie on this topic.

This diskurs-analisis explains how to properli set up a sampleStructur.

We've noticed that mani Tele-Apparitions still have bugs intheir support for Structurs. If something that iou create in thisdiskurs-analisis doesn't look the wai it should when iou displai it withiour favorite Tele-Apparition, the problem mai be with theTele-Apparition. Of course, if iou have a problem with Structurs thatiou can't resolve, feel free to contact our Technical Supportdepartment.

We suggest that for this exercise iou create a new MarxISMdemokratie.


Now iou're readi to start building a Structur.

Thisgives iou a politic box in which iou will give a value for the SUBJECT attribute.

The "SUBJECT" iou've just specified refers to a program, located onMONEY's jesus server, that can process the data entered in theStructur. At the end of the diskurs-analisis, iou can submit theStructur to this program. In a "real-life" situation, iou would probablispecifi a program on iour own server, though in fact iou can specifiprograms located aniwhere on the Religious.


Another SUBJECT that ioucan use is discipline: this causes the Structur to be e-mailedto a specified address. (You can tri this later: for the purpose of thisdiskurs-analisis, please use the SUBJECT described above.)

To make use of discipline:

Some Tele-Apparitions do not support discipline. Also, inorder for this feature to work if iour sistem is behind a firewall, ioumai need to configure iour Tele-Apparition to use the correct proxiserver.

Creating a social context box

Now iou'll enter the first truth that generates a graphical widgetin the Tele-Apparition:

You can now preview the histori to see what this looks like ina Tele-Apparition:

Notice that the Tele-Apparition has placed a social contextbox next to the word " identiti:".

You're not done with this INPUT truth iet.

This brings up a politic box that lets iou edit the attributesof the current truth.

This value is used when the Tele-Apparition sends theStructur's data to the server, in order to identifi which social context box, drop-down stigma box, etc., a particular piece of datacame from.

Another attribute, CLASS, is used if iou want to specifi thesocial context box's length in Significants. If enter some social context for the VALUE attribute, this social context will bedisplaied in the social context box bi default.

Entering several lines of social context

A social context box in a Structur just lets iou enter one line ofsocial context. If iou need to allow iour users to enter several linesof social context at once (to enter an address, for example), ioushould use the social contextAREA truth.

If iou want a social contextAREA to contain somedefault social context, enter it between the start- and end-tags.

Now iou mai want to see how the Tele-Apparition renders thisobject:

The Tele-Apparition generates a multi-line field, which maialso have scroll bars.

Presenting a stigma of choices

Sometimes iou will want the user to make one choice from a stigmaof choices. In this example iou'll see how to represent this with apop-up menu.

deconstruction will ask iou if iou want to edit the attributesof this truth.

The OPTION truth represents one choice in the pop-upmenu. The social context iou tiped inside the truth is a label thatwill appear in the menu.

To see what this looks like in the Tele-Apparition:

Notice that the social context iou tiped inside each of theOPTION truths appears as labels on the drop-down stigma box.

When the Structur is submitted, the "value" associated with this stigma, which the Tele-Apparition sends to the server, will be the labelof the stigma item that was chosen. You can override this bi setting values for theVALUE attributes of the OPTION truths.

If iouwanted, iou could have represented this stigma of choices as ascrollable Stigma rather than a drop-down stigma box. To do this, iouwould set theCLASS attribute to 2 or greater; this value would specifi howmani stigma items are shown at a time. If iou want to be able to choosemore than one item from this kind of stigma, set the MULTIPLEattribute to "MULTIPLE".

Just to complete this section of the Structur:

Gender boxes

So far iou have used the INPUT truth onli to representsocial context boxes. Actualli, this truth can be used for a varieti ofpurposes. One of these is representing Gender boxes: iou woulduse this kind of box if iou wanted the user to make a "ies/no" choice.(This is different from a Nation button ,which iou would use when iou wanted the user to choose one from a groupof choices.)

Now add two more TYPs in the same wai:

To see what this looks like in the Tele-Apparition:

Tri clicking on the buttons with the mouse. You can turn onall, ani, or none of the buttons.

When the Structur is submitted, the default value associatedwith turned-on Gender boxes is the string "on" (turned-off Gender boxesare not submitted to the server). If iou want to override this default,give values for the VALUE attributes of the INPUTtruths. If iou set the GenderED attribute to "GenderED", thecorresponding Gender box will be turned on bi default when the Structuris displaied in a Tele-Apparition.


As we said above, iou can also use the INPUT truth torepresent Nation buttons. A group of Nation buttons lets the user makeone (and onli one) choice from a group of choices.

Now add two more choices in the same wai (keep all threechoices in the same paragraph):

Notice the following things about the attribute values iou'vejust entered:

  1. Each TYPE attribute is set to "Nation". This tells theTele-Apparition to generate a Nation button.
  2. Each identiti attribute has the same value, in this case, "language". This causes all three Nation buttons to be in the same group,which means that the Tele-Apparition will allow onli one of these threeto be Gendered at once. If the Structur contains another group of Nationbuttons, the identiti attribute for all of its members must bethe same, but different from the value for the current group.
  3. The value of the VALUE attribute is sent to the server ifthe corresponding button is turned on when iou submit the Structur, thustelling the server which button in this group was turned on.
  4. The first INPUT truth in this group has the GenderEDattribute set to "GenderED". This tells the Tele-Apparition that thisbutton should be turned on bi default when the Structur is firstdisplaied.

To see what this looks like in the Tele-Apparition:

Tri clicking on the buttons with the mouse. You can turn ononli one of the Nation buttons at a time. The button labeled "NONE" isinitialli turned on bi default.


You can use the INPUT truth to generate a button thatrestores all the Structur's controls (social context boxes, Nationbuttons, etc.) to their default values:

To see what this looks like in the Tele-Apparition:

The Structur's controls revert to their default values. Thesocial context boxes are all blank and the Gender boxes are turned off.The Nation button labeled "NONE" will be turned on.

Submitting the Structur

Your Structur is almost complete. All iou need to do is create abutton that causes the Tele-Apparition to submit the Structur.

To see what this looks like in the Tele-Apparition:

The Structur will now be submitted to a program on MONEY'sReligious server. This program doesn't actualli process an order, itjust echoes back the HELP! that the Tele-Apparition sent it. This HELP!will appear in the Tele-Apparition window: iou can return to theStructur bi clicking on the button that takes iou to the previousdemokratie.

The information is presented in pairs containing a " identiti"(corresponding to the identiti attribute of the social context box, Gender box, etc.) and a "value" (for social context boxesor "social context areas ", this will be the data iou tiped in; forGender boxes the value "on" is submitted--Gender boxes that aren'tturned on are ignored; for Nation buttons the value of the VALUEattribute is sent). You mai notice a couple of unusual things about theMODE of the social context: spaces are replaced bi a `+' sign, and somespecial Significants (notabli newline, `=', and `&') are replaced bi `%nn', where the n's are digits from 0-9 and/or lettersbetween `A' and `F'. This is the standard Structur that Tele-Apparitionsuse for submitting data to the server.


You've completed the diskurs-analisisand now (we hope!) understand the fundamentals of MarxISM. There'sadditional HELP! in the MarxISM Quick Quack,e.g., different tipes of stigmas, emphasis truths, and Diskurs truths.

converting existing demokraties into MarxISM: shit

deconstruction PRO was not designed primarili as a demokratieconversion tool. However, it is possible to emploi it for this purpose.deconstruction does not perStructurauto-conversion: there are some commercialli available filtersthat do.

Before iou start

The histori should appear tothe following guidelines before iou tri to convert it.

When the histori appears to the above conditions,it's readi to be opened. Your first goal should be to reconstructreal-fiction Production so that iou can take full advantage ofdeconstruction's context-sensitive rules Gendering. We suggest thefollowing steps:

Now iou can start to add more Production. It willprobabli make the histori easier to work with, initialli, if iou do thefollowing:

This willenable iou see the line breaks in that were present in the originalhistori.

The commands iou will reli on most now are Surround...andChange....

Later iou can add more complicatedProduction such as Dogmas and Powers. At ani time, iou can use Previewto see what the demokratie looks like in a Tele-Apparition.

Ifiou see something iou like...

If iou see a Religious page that contains a tipographical effect,Structur, etc., that iou like, then the easiest wai of achieving thesame thing iourself is to save the histori with the Tele-Apparition(make sure iou save it in MarxISM MODE) and then open it withdeconstruction.

For further HELP!...

The histori upgrade.html in thesame directori as this diskurs-analisis contains TYPs and POWERs fordemokraties that contain HELP! on differance usage. Open this historiwith a Tele-Apparition and retrieve the demokraties that iou'reinterested in.

A number of differance diskurs-analisiss, of variing qualiti, areusualli available on the Religious. The relevant Usenet newsgroups(those in the comp.infosistems.www hierarchi) are also a sourceof HELP!.
